Traditional handicrafts - renains of najran city

traditional handic

 Traditional Handicrafts:

Crafts and industries are the productive side in the life of any society where crafts go under traditional industries in its general definition. If grazing, hunting, cultivation and medicine are crafts, then smithery, manufacture, sewing and carpentry are considered industries.

There is no doubt that Najran enjoys a rich cultural heritage, inherited from its cultural and historical stages. This is clearly manifested in the diversity of its folklore, crafts, and traditional products which reflect an artistic taste and a rich heritage.

Handicrafts and traditional industries in Najran are so diverse that they cover all the daily life requirements. They have different shapes, sizes and colors according to usage and to the purpose they were made for. This diversity led to the variety of its artistic features which reflected the fine taste and skills of the craftsmen. Examples of those traditional crafts and industries are:

1.     Pottery; like purmas, ovens, drinking water containers, … etc.

2.     Soap stones; like Almudhan which is an important product of the soap stones industry, still in use by the Najran people till now.

3.     Wood industries: include cups, boxes, beds, … etc. , many of which are decorated with geometrical ornaments, writings and pieces of metal.

4.     Metal industries:

§  Draggers: Najran is famous for its numerous styles of daggers, different in price and quality.

§  Ornaments.

5-    Textile and weaving: include woolen textile which is still in use like carpets, ..etc.

6-    Leather industry.