1. Recommending the approval of students' apology for the semester in accordance with the rules and regulations. 
2. Approving the study schedules submitted by the academic departments of the College. 
3. Forming and approving student activities committees in the College. 
4. Approving the increase in the number of students in the divisions in coordination with the concerned departments and the Deanship of Admission and Registration. 
5. Approving requests for extension, re-registration and alternative tests according to the regulations governing this.
6. Approving the lists of deprivation and submitting them according to the rules and regulations. 7. Deciding on student excuses issues as needed in accordance with the rules and regulations. 
8. Select the supervisors of the units and departments affiliated with it and recommend their appointment. 
9. Addressing the relevant authorities within the university in the competence and scope of work of the Vice-Deanship.
10. Issuing internal decisions required by the workflow of the college vice deanship and its units in accordance with the rules and regulations.
11. Evaluate the performance of the agency's employees. 
12. Approving the regular and emergency leave for employees of the units of the Agency. 
13. Approving the disbursement from the budget and custody of the Agency in accordance with the regulations of the organization. 
14. Approving the opening of new divisions at the request of the concerned departments.
 15. In case of his absence, the most senior agent shall act on his behalf.