Tasks of the Unit

1-Preparing a list of the delegated students, male and female, in the academic institutions abroad  whether for language or for master's and PhD. And their specializations in all departments of the college.

2-Follow up the procedures of the scholarship  and resolutions of the scholarships in coordination with the department coordinators.

3-Follow up the status of  the delegated student, male and female whether he/she changes the country of study, his/ her specialization, extension and  reports for study.

4- Implementing the resolutions of the college council regarding the delegates.

5- Provide the departments with all correspondence received by the administration of scholarship and training at the university or from the cultural attaché in the country of study.

6-Create a database that collect date of all male and female delegates  and archive hard copies of  the letters and resolutions of scholarship.

7- Follow up the academic progress of the delegated students through reports received from external supervisors and cultural attachés in coordination with the department coordinators.

8- Prepare a detailed report about the status of  delegated students of all departments in the college and submit it at the end of each semester  to the college's Deputy Dean.