In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all worlds, and peace and blessings be upon the most noble of prophets and messengers. To proceed:

The Clinical Affairs vice deanship is concerned with everything related to training and supervising male and female students during their clinical (clinical) study years, ensuring the quality of the training provided to them to qualify them at a high level that is competitive locally and internationally, and ensuring employment opportunities in both the public and private sectors. The agency also coordinates and monitors the training of interns in healthcare institutions inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and seeks to communicate with them and assist them in overcoming any difficulties they may face in achieving their goals and obtaining the best training positions in postgraduate studies. The agency also maintains communication with graduates through the Graduates Unit, inquiring about their current workplaces and their level of satisfaction with the college, as well as ways to improve based on their feedback.

One of the most important tasks of the deanship is the continuous development of the skills of faculty members and students through the Clinical Skills Lab, as well as establishing local partnerships and agreements with various healthcare sectors and staying updated on new developments in various specialties. We ask Allah for success and guidance for everyone.

Dr. Abdullah Ibrahim Shawil
Vice Dean of the College for Clinical Affairs