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الاسم الرباعي محمد عبدالمالك عبدالله عرابي

المسمى الوظيفي عضو هيئة تدريس

المرتبة العلمية:  استاذ
الكلية:  الصيدلة
القسم:  العقاقير

وصف عام استاذ بقسم العقاقي


المؤهلات العلمية: الدكتوراة Apr. 2007?Sep. 2010: Doctoral course, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistery and Pharmaceutical     
Sciences, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan.
Title of the doctoral thesis: Chemical and biotechnological studies of hydrolyzable tannins of plants of Tamarix species.
Nov. 2006?Mar. 2007: Research assistant, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistery and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan.
Mar. 2000?Jul. 2004: Master course, Faculty of pharmacy, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
Title of the Master Thesis: Pharmacognostical Study of Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce growing in  Egypt.
Sept. 1994?May 1999: Bachelor study, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University,  Assiut, Egypt.
Grade: Excellent with the first degree of Honor. “I was ranked the top student during bachelor study at college of pharmacy Al-Azhar University, Assiut-branch”.


الخبرات التدريبة Work Experiences:

  1. Augast 29/2022 till now: Professor, Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Najran University, KSA.
  2. Mar. 17/2018 Augast 28/2022: Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Najran University, KSA.
  3. Jan. 18/2017? Mar. 16/2018: Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University, Assiut-branch, Assiut, Egypt.
  4. May. 2011? Jan. 2017: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University, Assiut-branch, Assiut, Egypt.
  5. 2013: Part time Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Nahda University, Egypt.
  6. Oct. 2010?Mar. 2011: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistery and      Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama Uni., Okayama, Japan.
  7. Jan. 2007?Sept. 2010. Tautor of the master and undergraduate student, dept. of Natural Product Chemistry, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama Uni., Japan.
  8. Nov. 2004?Oct. 2006: Assistant lecturer, Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University, Egypt.
  9. Dec.1999?Oct. 2004: Demonstrator, Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Azhar University,  Assiut-Branch, Egypt.

Specialties and Skills

المهام الوظيفية
أنشطة الجودة والدورات التدريبية:

  • منسق الجودة بقسم العقاقير.
  • عضو فريق إعداد ملف الجودة بالكلية (عضو الخطة التنفيذية السنوية لوحدة التطوير والجودة بكلية الصيدلة لعام 1438/1439) والخاص بإعداد ومراجعة ملف الجودة بالكلية تمهيدا للحصول على الاعتماد المؤسسى لجامعة نجران والذى حصلت عليه الجامعة في الدورة الثامنة للجولة الأولى للاعتماد لشهر فبراير 2019.
  • عضو لجنة رؤساء معايير الجودة – قرارإدارى رقم 56/41/14/440 بتاريخ 16/6/1440ه.
  • عضو لجنة مراجعة توصيف البرنامج – قرار إلحاقى بالقرار الإدارى رقم 56/41/440 بتاريخ 16/6/1440ه.
  • مقرر لجنة التعليم والتعلم – قرار إدارى رقم 83/41/442 بتاريخ 30/8/1442 ه.
أنشطة إدارية:
  • منسق البرنامج ومسجل اكاديمى لكلية الصيدلة – قرار إدارى رقم 53/41/440 بتاريخ 1/2/1440 ه الموافق (10-10- م2018).
  • عضو لجنة مراجعة الإمتحانات بالكلية – قرار إدارى رقم 45/41/439 بتاريخ 8/8/1439 ه الموافق (24-4- 2018 م).
  • عضو لجنة الكنترول لعام 1440– قرار إدارى رقم 54/41/440 بتاريخ 22/2/1440 ه الموالفق (31-10-2018 م).
  • عضو لجنة الكنترول لعام 1441 – قرار إدارى رقم 69/41/441 بتاريخ 25/2/1441 ه (24-10-2019).
  • عضو لجنة إدارة برنامج العلوم الصيدلية لعام 1440– قرار إدارى رقم 57/41/440 بتاريخ 17/7/1440 ه الموافق (24-3-2019 م).
  • عضو لجنة إدارة برنامج العلوم الصيدلية لعام 1441– قرار إدارى رقم 68/41/441 بتاريخ 25/2/1441 ه  الموافق (25-10-2019 م).
الأنشطة التوعوية وخدمة المجتمع:
  1.  شاركت فى كل الأنشطة الخاصة بالخدمة المجتمعية وتوعية المجتمع التى نفذتها وحدة الأنشطة  الطلابية ووحدة خدمة المجتمع بالكلية منذ انضمامي للكلية وذلك بعمل بوسترات تثقيفية ومخاطبة الجمهور وتقديم النصح لهم اثناء قوافل التوعية وذلك بهف رفع مستوى الوعى الصحى لسكان منطقة نجران.
  2. المساهمة بشكل كبي فى توعية المجتمع فيما يخص تطورات الوضع الخاص بانتشار كوفيد-19 المستجد ورصد اهتمام الناس ومدى معرفتهم وثقتهم فى الأدوية العشبية أثناء تفشى الوباء، وقد قام بنشر الأبحاث العلمية  التالية:
  3. Alyami, Hamad S., Mohamed AA Orabi, Fahad M. Aldhabbah, Hamad N. Alturki, Wejdan I. Aburas, Abdulrahman I. Alfayez, Abdullah S. Alharbi, Rawan A. Almasuood, and Njood A. Alsuhaibani. "Knowledge about COVID-19 and beliefs about and use of herbal products during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in Saudi Arabia." Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. 28 (11) (2020): 1326–1332.
Alyami, Mohammad H., Abdallah Y. Naser, Mohamed AA Orabi, Hassan Alwafi, and Hamad S. Alyami. Epidemiology of COVID-19 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An Ecological Study. Frontiers in public health, 8 (2020).

Training Courses

الدورات التدربية 

  1. Student Evaluation. Faculty and Leadership Development Center – Assiut University. Assiut Egypt, Apr. 23–24, 2013.
  2. Research Ethics. Faculty and Leadership Development Center – Assiut University. Assiut, Egypt, Apr. 29–30, 2013.
  3. Preparation and Design courses. Faculty and Leadership Development Center – Assiut University. Assiut, Egypt, May 4–5, 2013.
  4. Motivation. Faculty and Leadership Development Center – Assiut University. Assiut, Egypt, May 6–7, 2013.
  5. Planning. Faculty and Leadership Development Center – Assiut University. Assiut, Egypt, May 13–14, 2013.
  6. Modern Trends in The Development of Educational Institutions - Al-Azhar University Quality Assurance and Training Center, July, 8–9, 2020.
  7. Development of administrative and legal skills- Center for Quality Assurance and Training at Al-Azhar University from 4-7-2020 to 5-7-2020.
  8.  Strategic Planning - Center for Quality Assurance and Training at Al-Azhar University from 6-7-2020 to7-7-2020.
  9.  Effective management of time and work pressures-Al-Azhar University Quality Assurance and Training Center from 11-7-2020 to 12-7-2020.
  10. Crisis and Disaster Management - Quality Assurance and Training Center at Al-Azhar University from 15-7-2020 to 16-7-2020.
  11.  Comprehensive quality system, Development Unit of The Deanship of the Development and Quality, Najran University, 2-9-2018.
  12.  Design and development of the university course, Development Unit of The Deanship of the Development and Quality, Najran University, 3-9-2018.
  13.  Education outcomes and evaluation mechanisms: The Deanship of the Development and Quality, Najran University, 4-9-2018.
  14.  Effective University Education Strategies: The Deanship of the Development and Quality, Najran University, 5-9-2018.
  15. Academic Guidance: Deanship of the Development and Quality, Najran University, 6-9-2018.
  16. Effective academic communication skills: Deanship of the Development and Quality, Najran University, 7-11-2018.
  17. Preparing detailed tests according to the specifications: The Deanship of the Development and Quality, Najran University, 5-12-2018.
  18. Educational Plan Management System of Najran University: The Deanship of the Development and Quality, Najran University, 14-1-2019.
  19. Employing interactive Google applications in the educational process and scientific research: The Deanship of the Development and Quality, Najran University, 16-1-2019.
  20. Internet of Things (IOT) and employing them in the educational process: The Deanship of the Development and Quality, Najran University, 7-4-2019.

الأبحاث العلمية  Publications:

  1. Peer-reviewed papers:
  1. Alshabi, A.M., Alkahtani, S.A., Shaikh, I.A., Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Abdel-Wahab, B.A., Walbi, I.A., Habeeb, M.S., Khateeb, M.M., Hoskeri, J.H., Shettar, A.K. and Asdaq, S.M.B., 2022. Phytochemicals from Corchorus olitorius methanolic extract induce apoptotic cell death via activation of caspase-3, anti-Bcl-2 activity, and DNA degradation in breast and lung cancer cell lines. Journal of King Saud University-Science, 34(7), p.102238.
  2. Alkahtani, S.A., Alshabi, A.M., Shaikh, I.A., Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Abdel-Wahab, B.A., Walbi, I.A., Habeeb, M.S., Khateeb, M.M., Shettar, A.K. and Hoskeri, J.H., 2022. In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Spectral Analysis-Based Phytochemical Profiling of Methanol Extract of Barleria hochstetteri, and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Its Apoptosis-Inducing Effect on Breast and Lung Cancer Cell Lines. Separations, 9(10), p.298.
  3. Ahmad, J., Albarqi, H.A., Ahmad, M.Z., Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Md, S., Bandopadhyay, R., Ahmed, F., Khan, M.A., Ahamad, J. and Mishra, A., 2022. Utilization of Nanotechnology to Improve Bone Health in Osteoporosis Exploiting Nigella sativa and Its Active Constituent Thymoquinone. Bioengineering, 9(11), p.631.
  4. Alshabi, A.M., Alkahtani, S.A., Shaikh, I.A., Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Abdel-Wahab, B.A., Walbi, I.A., Habeeb, M.S., Khateeb, M.M., Shettar, A.K. and Hoskeri, J.H., 2022. Tribulus terrestris Cytotoxicity against Breast Cancer MCF-7 and Lung Cancer A549 Cell Lines Is Mediated via Activation of Apoptosis, Caspase-3, DNA Degradation, and Suppressing Bcl-2 Activity. Separations, 9(11), p.383.
  5. Shaikh, I.A., Alshabi, A.M., Alkahtani, S.A., Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Abdel-Wahab, B.A., Walbi, I.A., Habeeb, M.S., Khateeb, M.M., Shettar, A.K. and Hoskeri, J.H., 2022. Apoptotic Cell Death via Activation of DNA Degradation, Caspase-3 Activity, and Suppression of Bcl-2 Activity: An Evidence-Based Citrullus colocynthis Cytotoxicity Mechanism toward MCF-7 and A549 Cancer Cell Lines. Separations, 9(12), p.411.
  6. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Alshahrani, M.M., Sayed, A.M., Abouelela, M.E., Shaaban, K.A. and Abdel-Sattar, E.S., 2023. Identification of Potential Leishmania N-Myristoyltransferase Inhibitors from Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal: A Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics Investigation. Metabolites, 13(1), p.93.
  7. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Orabi, E.A., Abdel-Sattar, E.S., English, A.M., Hatano, T. and Elimam, H., 2023. Structural determination and anticholinesterase assay of C-glycosidic ellagitannins from Lawsonia inermis leaves: A study supported by DFT calculations and molecular docking. Fitoterapia, 164, p.105360.
  8. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Alqahtani, O.S., Alyami, B.A., Al Awadh, A.A., Abdel-Sattar, E.S., Matsunami, K., Hamdan, D.I. and Abouelela, M.E., 2022. Human Lung Cancer (A549) Cell Line Cytotoxicity and Anti-Leishmania major Activity of Carissa macrocarpa Leaves: A Study Supported by UPLC-ESI-MS/MS Metabolites Profiling and Molecular Docking. Pharmaceuticals, 15(12), p.1561.
  9. Mohamed A.A. Orabi, Salem-Bekhit, M.M., Taha, E.I., Abdel-Sattar, E.S., Alqahtani, O.S., Al-Joufi, F.A., Abdel-Wahab, B.A., Alshabi, A.M., Alyami, H.S., Ahmad, J. and Hatano, T., 2022. Design, Characterization, and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Copper Nanoparticles Utilizing Tamarixinin a Ellagitannin from Galls of Tamarix aphylla. Pharmaceuticals, 15(2), p.216.
  10. Mohamed A.A. Orabi, Khalil, H., Abouelela, M.E., Zaafar, D., Ahmed, Y.H., Naggar, R.A., Alyami, H.S., Abdel-Sattar, E.S., Matsunami, K. and Hamdan, D.I., 2021. Carissa macrocarpa Leaves Polar Fraction Ameliorates Doxorubicin-Induced Neurotoxicity in Rats via Downregulating the Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Markers. Pharmaceuticals, 14(12), p.1305.
  11. Bawazeer, M., Mohamed A.A. Orabi, Yaseen, M. and Abdelkader, M.S.A., 2021. Cytotoxic Potential of Phenolic Glycosides from Stipagrostis plumosa. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, pp.1-6.
  12. Sabry A. H. Zidana, Reda A. Abdelhamid, Abdallah Alian, Mostafa A. Fouad, Katsuyoshi Matsunami, Mohamed A. A. Orabi. Diterpenes and sterols from the Red Sea soft coral Sarcophyton trocheliophorum and their cytotoxicity and anti-leishmanial activities. Journal of Asian Natural Product research. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/10286020.2021.1979522 .
  13. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Sabry A. H. Zidan, Hiroshi Sakagami, Yukio Murakami, Ashraf A. Ali, Hamad S. Alyami, Ali Mohamed Alshabi, Katsuyoshi Matsunami. Antileishmanial and lung adenocarcinoma cell toxicity of Withania somnifera (Linn.) Dunal root and fruit extracts. Natural Product Research. Sep. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2021.1973462.
  14. Mohamed AA Orabi, Hiroshi Sakagami, Naoki Umemura, Hamad S. Alyami, and Tsutomu Hatano. "Two new C-glycosidic ellagitannins and accompanying tannins from Lawsonia inermis leaves and their cytotoxic effects." Fitoterapia 153 (2021): 104925.
  15. Sabry Zidan, Mohamed AA Orabi, Reda A. Abdelhamid, Abdallah Allian, and Katsuyoshi Matsunmai and Fouad, Mostafa A. "Cytotoxicity and anti-leishmanial activity of the Red Sea soft coral Sarcophyton spongiosum." J. Adv. Biomed. & Pharm. Sci. 4 (2021) 107–110.
  16. Refaey, Mohamed S., Reda A. Abdelhamid, Hanan Elimam, Yaseen AMM Elshaier, A. A. Ali, and Mohamed AA Orabi. "Bioactive constituents from Thunbergia erecta as potential anticholinesterase and anti-ageing agents: Experimental and in silico studies." Bioorganic Chemistry 108 (2021): 104643.
  17. Safwat M. S. Abo-Qotb, Ahmed M. M. Hassanein, Samar Y. Desoukey, Amira S. Wanas, Heba M. Tawfik & Mohammed A. A. Orabi (2020) In vivo anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective activities of Orobanche crenata (Forssk.) aerial parts in relation to its phytomolecules, Natural Product Research, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2020.1845167
  18. Zidan, Sabry AH, Reda A. Abdelhamid, Montaser Al-Hammady, Mostafa A. Fouad, Katsuyoshi Matsunami, and Mohamed AA Orabi. "Cytotoxic polyhydroxy sterols from the Egyptian Red Sea soft coral Sarcophyton acutum." Fitoterapia (2020): 104765.
  19. Alyami, Hamad S., Mohamed AA Orabi, Fahad M. Aldhabbah, Hamad N. Alturki, Wejdan I. Aburas, Abdulrahman I. Alfayez, Abdullah S. Alharbi, Rawan A. Almasuood, and Njood A. Alsuhaibani. "Knowledge about COVID-19 and beliefs about and use of herbal products during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in Saudi Arabia." Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal (2020).
  20. Alyami, Mohammad H., Abdallah Y. Naser, Mohamed AA Orabi, Hassan Alwafi, and Hamad S. Alyami. "Epidemiology of COVID-19 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An Ecological Study." Frontiers in public health 8 (2020).
  21. Attia, Gwda H., Hamad S. Alyami, Mohamed AA Orabi, Ahmed H. Gaara, and Mohamed A. El Raey. "Antimicrobial Activity of Silver and Zinc Nanoparticles Mediated by Eggplant Green Calyx." International Journal of Pharmacology 16, no. 3 (2020): 236-243.
  22. Orabi, M.A.A., Zidan, S.A., Attia, G.H., Alyami, H.S., Matsunami, K. and Hatano, T., 2020. Ellagitannins and simple phenolics from the halophytic plant Tamarix nilotica. Natural Product Research, pp.1-9.
  23. Abdul-Hafeez, Essam Y., Mohamed AA Orabi, Omer HM Ibrahim, Olga Ilinskaya, and Nazira S. Karamova. "In vitro cytotoxic activity of certain succulent plants against human colon, breast and liver cancer cell lines." South African Journal of Botany 131 (2020): 295-301.
  24. Orabi, Mohamed AA, Soad AL Bayoumi, Hanaa M. Sayed, Enas AM Huseein, Amgad IM Khedr, and Tsutomu Hatano. "Simultaneous isolation of gallotannins and a related phenolic from Mangifera indica kernels and assessment of their anti-Trichomonas vaginalis activities." Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 10, no. 03 (2020): 022-038.
  25. Abouelela, Mohamed E., Mohamed AA Orabi, Reda A. Abdelhamid, Mohamed SA Abdelkader, Faten MM Darwish, Mayumi Hotsumi, and Hiroyuki Konno. "Anti-Alzheimer's flavanolignans from Ceiba pentandra aerial parts." Fitoterapia (2020): 104541.
  26. Abouelela, Mohamed E., Mohamed AA Orabi, Reda A. Abdelhamid, Mohamed S. Abdelkader, Hafez R. Madkor, Faten MM Darwish, Tsutomu Hatano, and Bakheet EM Elsadek. "Ethyl acetate extract of Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. reduces methotrexate-induced renal damage in rats via antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiapoptotic actions." Journal of traditional and complementary medicine 10, no. 5 (2020): 478-486.
  27. Orabi, Mohamed AA, Esam A. Orabi, Shoko Taniguchi, Hiroshi Sakagami, Morio Yoshimura, Yoshiaki Amakura, and Tsutomu Hatano. "Structures, NMR Spectroscopic Features, and Cytotoxic Properties of Oligomeric Hellinoyl (m-GO-m-GOG)-Type Ellagitannins from the Galls of Tamarix aphylla." Journal of natural products 82, no. 10 (2019): 2682-2695.
  28. Refaey, Mohamed S., Reda A. Abdelhamid, Mohamed AA Orabi, Ahmed A. Ali, Reda Fouad Ahmed Abdelhameed, Eman AA Mousa, Shinjiro Hamano, and Koji Yamada. "A new iridoid glucoside from anisacanthus virgularis and its antiamoebic activity." HETEROCYCLES 98, no. 9 (2019): 1229-1235.
  29. Hamad S. Alyami, Mohamed A.A. Orabi, Fahad J. Almakhalas, Jaber S. Alyami. Health care Providers’ Knowledge and Adherence to the National Guidelines for Management of Paediatric Asthma in Najran Region, Saudi Arabia. Saudi J Med Pharm Sci, 2019; 5(3): 230-238
  30. Mohamed E. Abouelela, Reda A. Abdelhamid, Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Faten M. M. Darwish.Taxonomy, Phytochemistry, and Therapeutic Potentials of the Genus Ceiba (Bombacaceae): A Review. Saudi J Med Pharm Sci, 2019; 5(7): 666-682
  31. Abouelela, M. E., R. A. Abdelhamid, and Mohamed A. A. Orabi. "Phytochemical Constituents of Plant Species of Pterocarpus (F: Leguminosae): A Review."International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 2019; 11(4); 264-281
  32. Abouelela, Mohamed E., Mohamed AA Orabi, Reda A. Abdelhamid, Mohamed SA Abdelkader, and Faten MM Darwish. "Chemical and Cytotoxic Investigation of Non-Polar Extract from Ceiba Pentandra (L.) Gaertn.: A Study Supported by Computer Based Screening." Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 8, no. 07 (2018): 057-064.
  33. Esam A.Orabi, Mohamed A.A.Orabi, Mahmoud H.Mahross, and Mohamed Abdel-Hakim. Computational investigation of the structure and antioxidant activity of some pyrazole and pyrazolone derivatives. Journal of Saudi Chemical Society Dec. 15 (2017)
  34. Hussein S. M.  and Mohamed A. A. Orabi.  Plant Extracts as Natural Antioxidant in Refrigerated Minced Beef. Middle East Journal of Applied Sciences. Jan? mar. 2017, 7 (1): 29-34.
  35. Nazira Karamova, Syumbulya Gumerova, Gamal Osman Hassan, Essam Y. Abdul-Hafeez,  Omer H. M. Ibrahim, Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Olga Ilinskaya. Antioxidant and Antimutagenic Potential of Extracts of Some Agavaceae Family Plants. BioNanoSci. DOI 10.1007/s12668-016-0286-x.
  36. Mohamed Salaheldin A Abdelkader, Mohamed A A Orabi, Sherif M Shama, Mahmoud H. Assaf. Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities of the Aerial Parts of Stipagrostis plumosa  (L) Munro ex T. Anderson. J. Pharm. Sci & Res. Vol. 8 (8), 801-812.
  37. Sabry   A H   Zidan,   Mohammed   A A   Orabi,   Mahmoud   A H   Mustafa, Montaser A Al-Hammady and Mohamed S Kamel. Anti-HSV-1 and hepatoprotective activities of the Soft coral
Sarcophyton acutum from the red sea. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2016; 5 (5): 247-251.
  1. Mohamed A. A. Orabi and Esam A Orabi. Antiviral and antioxidant activities of flavonoids of Ficus virens: Experimental and theoretical investigations. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 5 (3), 120?128 (2016).
  2. Faten M. M. Darwish, Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Mohamed S. A. Abdelkader and Mohamed E. Abou-Elela. Botanical study and DNA fingerprint of Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. Var. pentandra cultivated in Egypt. Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut University, 2015, 38,61-90.
  3. Mohamed A. A. OrabiShoko TaniguchiHiroshi SakagamiMorio Yoshimura, Yoshiaki Amakura, and Tsutomu Hatano. Hydrolyzable Tannins of Tamaricaceous Plants. 7.1 Structures and Cytotoxic Properties of Oligomeric Ellagitannins from Leaves of Tamarix nilotica and Cultured Tissues of Tamarix tetrandra. J. Nat. Prod. 79, 984?995 (2016).
  4. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Morio Yoshimura, Yoshiaki Amakura, Tsutomu Hatano. Ellagitannins, gallotannins, and gallo-ellagitannins from the galls of Tamarix aphylla. Fitoterapia, 104, 55?63. (2015).
  5. Saleh M. Hussein, Mahmoud E. A, Salman K. H and Mohamed A. A. Orabi. Extension of storage period of minced beef by using some antimicrobial medicinal plant extracts. Al-Azhar J. Agric. Res, 24, 87–98 (2015).
  6. Khedr, A. I., Mohamed, G. A.,           Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Ibrahim, S. R., & Yamada, K.. Staphylopeptide A, a new cyclic tetrapeptide from culture broth of Staphylococcus sp. Phytochemistry Lett., 13, 11?14 (2015).
  7. Elela, M. E. A., Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Abdelkader, M. S., & Darwish, F. M. Phytochemical screening and HPTLC studies of Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. variety pentandra cultivated in Egypt. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 4, 10?17 (2015).
  8. Eerdunbayer, Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Hiroe Aoyama, Teruo Kuroda, and Tsutomu Hatano. Structures of New Phenolics Isolated from Licorice, and the Effectiveness of Licorice Phenolics on Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci. Molecules, 19, 13027?13041 (2014).
  9. Eerdunbayer, Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Hiroe Aoyama, Teruo Kuroda, and Tsutomu Hatano. Structures of two new flavanoids and effects of liqurice phenolics on Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus Species. Molecules, 19, 3883?3897 (2014).
  10. Mohamed A. A. OrabiShoko TaniguchiHiroshi SakagamiMorio YoshimuraTakashi Yoshida, and Tsutomu Hatano. Hydrolyzable Tannins of Tamaricaceous Plants. V. Structures of Monomeric–Trimeric Tannins and Cytotoxicity of Macrocyclic-Type Tannins Isolated from Tamarix nilotica. J. Nat. Prod.,  76, 947–956 (2013). 
  11. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Shoko Taniguchi, Susumu Terabayashi, Tsutomu Hatano. Hydrolyzable tannins of tamaricaceous plants IV: micropropagation and ellagitannin production in shoot cultures of Tamarix tetrandra, Phytochemistery, 721978-1989 (2011).
  12. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Shoko Taniguchi, Morio Yoshimura, Takashi Yoshida, Kaori Kishino, Hiroshi Sakagami and Tsutomu Hatano. Hydrolyzable tannins of tamaricaceous plants III: Hellinoyl- and macrocyclic-type ellagitannins from Tamarix nilotica, J. Nat. Prod., 73, 870–879 (2010).
  13. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Shoko Taniguchi, Morio Yoshimura, Takashi Yoshida, and Tsutomu Hatano. New monomeric and dimeric hydrolyzable tannins of Tamarix nilotica. Heterocycles, 80, 463–475 (2010).
  14. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Shoko Taniguchi, and Tsutomu Hatano. Monomeric and dimeric hydrolyzable tannins of Tamarix nilotica. Phytochemistery, 70, 1286–1293 (2009).
  15. Mohamed A. El-shanawany, Mahmoud H. Mohamed, Azza A. Khalifa and Mohamed A. A. Orabi. Macro- and micro-morphological study of Centaurium pullchellum (SW.) Druce growing in Egypt. Bull. Pharm. Sci. Assiut University, 27, 247–267 (2004).
  1. Posters and oral presentation in conferences:
  1. Sabry A. H. Zidan, Reda A. Abdelhamid, Montaser Al-Hammady, Mostafa A. Fouad, Katsuyoshi Matsunami, Mohamed A. A. Orabi. Bioactive secondary metabolites from the Red Sea soft corals Sarcophyton acutum. International Conference Pharmacy by Subject “Strategy of University and Faculty of Pharmacy in facing Covid-19 pandemic: Overview and Strategy from Several Countries”. October 15th, 2020, Indonesia.
  2. Sabry A.H. Zidana, Mohammed A.A. Orabi, Mahmoud A.H. Mustafa,
Yuuki Shimozu, Tsutomu Hatano, Montaser A.Al-Hammady and Mohamed S. Kamel. Chemical and Biological Evaluation of Secondary Metabolites of the Egyptian Soft Coral Sarcophyton acutum from Red Sea. Al-Azhar 5th International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Industries. September 13–15, 2017 TIA Heights, Makadi, Hurghada, Egypt.
  1. Mohamed E. AbouElela, Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Reda A. Abdel-Hamid, Mohamed S. A. Abdelkader, Faten M. M. Darwish. Chemical and Cytotoxic Investigation of Non-polar Constituents from Ceiba Pentandra (L.) Gaertn.: A study Supported by Computer based Comparison. Al-Azhar 5th International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Industries. September 13–15, 2017 TIA Heights, Makadi, Hurghada, Egypt.
  2. Safwat M. S. Abo-Qotb, Mohammed A. A. Orabi, Ahmed M. M. Hassanein, Amira S. Wanas, Samar Y. Desoukey. Botanical Investigation of Orobanche crenata. Al-Azhar 5th International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Industries. September 13–15, 2017 TIA Heights, Makadi, Hurghada, Egypt.
  3. Safwat M. S. Abo-Qotb, Mohammed A. A. Orabi, Ahmed M. M. Hassanein, Amira S. Wanas, Samar Y. Desoukey. Chemical Constituents and Biological Effects of the Parasitic Weed Orobanche crenata Collected from Vicia faba Field. Al-Azhar 5th International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Industries. September 13–15, 2017 TIA Heights, Makadi, Hurghada, Egypt.
  4. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Esam A. Orabi. Antiviral and antioxidant activities of flavonoids of ficus virens: Experimental and theoretical investigations. Assiut University 10th international pharmaceutical sciences conference. April 13–14, 2016, faculty of pharmacy, Assiut, Egypt.
  5. Mohamed Salaheldin A. Abdelkader, Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Sherif M. Shama and M. El-Moghazy. Phytochemical and biological studies of aerial parts of Stipagrostis plumose L. F. Poaceae. Assiut University 10th international pharmaceutical sciences conference. April 13–14, 2016, faculty of pharmacy, Assiut, Egypt.
  6. Saleh M. Hussein, Mahmoud E. A, Salman K. H and Mohamed A. A. Orabi. Extension of storage period by using some antimicrobial medicinal plant extracts on minced beef. The 2nd international conference on new horizons in basic and applied science, august 1–6, 2015, El-Ghardaqa, Egypt.
  7. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Shoko Taniguchi, Hiroshi Sakagami, Morio Yoshimura, Yoshiaki Amakura, Tsutomu Hatano. Chemistry, Cytotoxicity and In Vitro Production of Hydrolyzable Tannins of Tamarix Species. The 6th symposium on Pharmaceutical Food Science, October 30?31 (2015), Okayama Uni. Japan 
  8. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Shoko Taniguchi, Hiroshi Sakagami, Morio Yoshimura, Yoshiaki Amakura and Tsutomu Hatano. Structures and cytotoxicity of oligomeric hydrolyzable tannins from cultured tissues of Tamarix tetrandra and leaves of Tamarix nilotica. 1st International conference on health between nutrition and treatment. August 30–31, 2015, Beni-Suef, Egypt.
  9. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Abdelkader, M. S., & Darwish, F. M., Elela, M. E. A. Phytochemical analysis, DNA and HPTLC fingerprints of Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. variety pentandra cultivated in Egypt. The 5th international conference of pharmaceutical and drug industries division “ Advances in Pharmaceutical research” 29?30 March, 2015, National research center, Egypt
  10. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Soad A. L. Bayoumi, Hanaa M. Sayed and Tsutomu Hatano. Simultaneous isolation of gallotannins and related compounds from Mangifera indica. The 2nd Conference on New Horizons in Basic and Applied Science, August 1–6 (2015).
  11. Airi Doi, Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Shoko Taniguchi, Takuya Ogawa, Yasuo Takeuchi, Teruo Kuroda, Tomofusa Tsuchiya, Hideyuki Ito and Tsutomu Hatano. Antibacterial effects of hydrolyzable tannins and related artificial tannins. 50th anniversary meeting of pharmaceutical society of North America, 1015 Dec. (2011).
  12. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Shoko Taniguchi, Morio Yoshimura, Takashi Yoshida, Kaori Kishino, Hiroshi Sakagami and Tsutomu Hatano. Tannins of Tamarix plants, Structures of new ellagitannins, cytotoxicity of Tamarix tannins, and accumulation of Tamarix tannins in cultured shoots of Tamarix tetrandra. 52nd Symposium on the chemistery of natural products,  Shizuoka, pp. 613–618 (2010).
  13. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Shoko Taniguchi, Morio Yoshimura, Takashi Yoshida and Tsutomu Hatano. New monomeric and dimeric hydrolyzable tannins of Tamarix nilotica. 51st Symposium on the chemistery of natural products,  Nagoya, pp. 509–514 (2009).
  14. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Shoko Taniguchi and Tsutomu Hatano. Antitumor Hydrolyzable tannins from wildly growing plant, Tamarix nilotica, in the Egyptian Oases. The 1st Japan-Egypt international symposium on science and technology, Tokyo (2008).
  15. Mohamed A. A. Orabi, Shoko Taniguchi and Tsutomu Hatano. New dimeric hydrolyzable tannins from Tamarix nilotica growing in Egypt. The 7th international symposium on natural medicine and microflora, Toyama (2008).
  16. Mohamed A. El-shanawany, Mahmoud H. Mohamed, Azza A. Khalifa and Mohamed A. A. Orabi. Chemical constituents of Centaurium pullchellum (SW.) Druce growing in Egypt. Assiut university 5th pharmaceutical science conference, 2006.
  17. Mohamed A. El-shanawany, Mahmoud H. Mohamed, Azza A. Khalifa and Mohamed A. A. Orabi. Xanthone glycosides from Centaurium pulchellum (SW.) Druce. The 9th International pharmaceutical science conference and Exposition, NP-27, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2005).
  18. Mohamed A. El-shanawany, Mahmoud H. Mohamed, Azza A. Khalifa and Mohamed A. A. Orabi. Macro- and micro-morphological study of Centaurium pullchellum (SW.) Druce growing in Egypt. 2004.


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