Policies Regulating Scientific Research

Article (1)


1. Scientific Research: It is the achievement which depends on scientific basics and is done by individual efforts, mutual efforts, or both.
2. A Top Researcher: he is a staff member or who is in a similar position, which represents, the research group. He is responsible for the supervision of the group.
3.  An Associate Researcher: he is a staff member or who is in a similar position that participates with a number of researchers to achieve a certain study.
4. A Referee : he is a staff member or an expert who is assigned  of examining and studying a scientific contribution.
5. A Reviewer: he is a staff member or who is in a similar position or an expert who is assigned a duty of revising a scientific contribution.
6. A Consultant: a staff member or who is in a similar position or an expert who is assigned the duty of providing services or consultation studies.

Article (2)

Researches conducted in universities aim to enrich science and knowledge in different fields, and especially in:
(a) Showing the Islamic vision and its achievements in the history of civilization and human sciences.
(b) Collecting Arab and Islamic heritage and facilitate it for researches.
(c) Offer scientific advice and develop scientific and practical solutions for problems, which are facing the society.
(d) Transfer and participate in developing modern technology in order to serve the goals of development.
(e) Scientific research should be linked to university goals and development plan and to avoid repetition and benefiting from previous studies.
(f) Develop and train a generation of distinguished Saudi researches by engaging postgraduate students, tutors, lecturers and assistant researches in conducting scientific researches.
(g) Upgrading the Level of the University education and postgraduate studies.

Article (3)

Researchers who are staff members or students must be encouraged to carry out genuine researches that will enrich specialized knowledge and serve society and to spread the benefit of these researches by:
(a) Publishing the results of scientific research in domestic and international publications and provide the methods for scientific documentations.
(b) Extending cooperation which scientific and research bodies inside the kingdom and abroad and exchange of expertise.
(c) Encourage individuals and institutions to support and fund research projects by enhancing the role of the university.
(d) Providing modern communication methods and the most recent publications, periodicals, books, etc...

Article (4)

A deanship under the name “Deanship of Scientific Research” will be established in each university affiliated to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Scientific Research. The dean and deputy dean will be appointed according to Articles 39 and 40 of the Higher Education Council Regulations.

Article (5)

There will be a “Council of the Deanship of Scientific Research” under the auspices of the Deanship of Scientific Research and consists of the following:
(a) Dean of Scientific Research.
(b) Dean of Postgraduate studies.
(c) Principal or Principals of the deanship of Scientific Research.
(d) A number of directors of research center not exceeding five who are chosen by the university council at the recommendation of the University President.
A number of professors who are distinguished in scientific research and not exceeding seven in number. This council will convene and take decisions in accordance with
Article (35) of the Higher Education Council System.

Article (6)

The council of Deanship of Scientific Research is concerned with the following;
(a) Suggest the annual university research plan and the appropriate budget.
(b) Suggest regulations and procedures for scientific research in the university.
(c) Approve, Follow up, arbitrate and fund research projects.
(d) Make links and cooperation with other research centers.
(e) Coordinate research work in the university, avoid repetition and encourage joint researches.
(f) Recommend for publishing researches according to publication rules in the university.
(g) Encourage staff members to carry out scientific researches and provide methods and research facilitates for them.
(h) Communicate with domestic and foreign research centers to extend cooperation.
(i) Establish an information database and exchange informational research with other universities and research centers.
(j) Study the annual report of scientific research in the university and submit it to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research.
(k) Supervision and follow up of researches funded by other bodies.
(l) Form specialized committees according to the need.
(m) Study what is referred from the President or Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

Article (7)

The Dean of Scientific Research is responsible for financial, administrative and technical affairs related to scientific research in the university in accordance with the regulations and systems.
He is responsible for:
(a) Supervising the annual university research plan and the budget.
(b) Expenditure from the research budget within the legal limits.
(c) Supervision, planning and follow up of the work.
(d) Cooperation and Coordination with other research centers.
(e) Coordination with the deanship of postgraduate studies in conducting researches of postgraduate students, and help complete their researches and dissertations.
(f) Provide the necessary financial resources from the university budget or from other resources.
(g) Recommend contracting with researchers, employees and technicians from the budget of research projects for certain periods of time.
(h) Prepare the budget and the annual report of the deanship.

Article (8)

Each research centre will be run by:
(a) The council of the centre.
(b) The manager of the center, each within his jurisdiction.

Article (9)

The council of the centre is formed as follows:
(a) The centre’s manager: He should be a Saudi Staff member and appointed at the recommendation of the president for two renewable years. Financially, he is regarded a head of department.
(b) Five distinguished staff members, appointed for two renewable years, at the recommendations of the Deputy Vice-chancellor.

Article (10)

The Center’s council is concerned with:
(a) Suggesting the annual research plan and budget.
(b) Studying research projects of staff members and the likes.
(c) Studying research projects from outside the university and suggests the financial reward for researchers.

Article (11)

The director of Research Center is concerned with:
a) Supervision and follow up of the research of staff members and the likes and direct supervision of the administration and technical affairs.
b) Contract scientific departments, encourage staff members to do research, coordinate their research projects and provide the necessary facilities.
c) Contact and coordinate with other research centers.
d) Propose the annual budget.
e) Prepare the annual report on the center’s activities and submit it to the concerned body.

Article (12)

Expenditures on university-funded research is done from the budget, it is done as an initiative of the researcher or the concerned scientific bodies according to the plan and the council’s regulations.
Financial Rewards:
a) The top PhD. researcher will receive 1200 riyals per month and 1000 riyals for each of Ph.D. participant, or the likes for the period of time fixed for the research.
b) An M. A. assistant researcher will get 30 riyals per hour but it should not exceed 800 riyals per month.
c) A B.A. assistant researcher will get 25 riyals per hour, but it should not exceed 600 riyals per month.
d) An assistant researcher who is a technician or an undergraduate student will get 20 riyals per hour and should not exceed 400 riyals a month.
e) An advisor from the same city will get 500 riyals per day and should not exceed 700 riyals per year.
f) An advisor from outside the city will get 1000 riyal per day including accommodation and eating out but should not exceed 14000 riyals per year. He will also get air tickets.
g) An advisor from abroad will get 2000 riyals per day including accommodation and eating out, but should not exceed 20000 riyals per year. He will also get tickets.
h) The abovementioned rewards will be given to fulltime researchers only.

Article (13)

The president of the University has the right to assign a research duty to some Saudi staff members for specific purposes. They will be rewarded 10000 riyals per research.

Article (14)

Necessary services can be given to the one who presents a promotion-oriented research.

Article (15)

Researches, which are partly funded by governmental research bodies, are conducted according to the regulations of these bodies.

Article (16)

In accordance with the regulations of Saudi Universities, the University Council will set the rules and procedures that organize the research of a staff member during his scientific leave.

Article (17)

It is permissible to award prizes and annual encouraging rewards to distinguished researches. The university council will decide, according to the recommendation of the scientific council, the numbers and criteria of selection for these prizes and rewards.

Article (18)

Below are the criteria to be met for getting prizes and rewards:
a) The research should be genuine and creative; it should not exceed two years since it was published.
b) It should be carried out in the university and subjected to its arbitration rules.
c) No previous prize was awarded for it.
d) The research should not be pirated from any Masters or Doctorate dissertation.

Article (19)

Every prize consists of a certificate of appreciation and 20000 riyals. More than one researcher can share it.

Article (20)

The Scientific Council will set the rules and the mechanism of candidacy for these prizes and rewards.

Article (21)

The contributors submitted for publishing include:
a) Scientific dissertations
b) Scientific researches.
c) Textbooks
d) References
e) Translated books, references etc.
f) Scrutinized books
g) Encyclopedias
h) Whatever the council sees suitable for publishing.

Article (22)

It is permissible, after the consent of the Scientific Council, to publish some Masters and Doctorate dissertations if there is a general scientific benefit in that or which are relevant to the goals of development in the Kingdom.

Article (23)

If the dissertation is written in a foreign language and the Scientific Council deems it important to publish it in Arabic, there will be a financial reward for its translation.

Article (24)

For the purpose of publishing, it is allowed to see the published dissertation of other universities if that can benefit the university.

Article (25)

The researcher who publishes a Master dissertation will get 8000 riyals and the one who publishes a PhD dissertation will get 15000 riyals.

Article (26)

The Scientific Council will analyze all that is submitted for publishing, whether it is research, authorship, or translation, provided that they match the university goals and genuineness.

Article (27)

The University Council will set the rules and details for publishing any of the scientific contributions mentioned in article 21.

Article (28)

Contributions submitted for publishing will be subjected for arbitration from at least two specialists. The Scientific Council will set the rules and details for arbitration, examination and revision.

Article (29)

Authors, scrutinizers, and translators will get 50000 riyals per book. The Scientific Council will decide about the topic of the book, its scientific value and the effort exerted on it.

Article (30)

Financial rewards for authorship, or translation of encyclopedias will not exceed 50000 riyals per volume.

Article (31)

The one who is assigned a duty of examining authored, scrutinized or translated books will get a reward not exceeding 2000 riyals per book.

Article (32)

A book editor will get 2000 riyal per book.

Article (33)

The one who participates in arbitrating or analyzing a scientific contribution submitted for promotion will get 500 riyals per research and should not exceed 3000 riyals for the whole submitted scientific contribution.

Article (34)

A publishing contributor has to edit typing mistakes, make bibliography and give the publisher one hundred copies of what the university prints for him.

Article (35)

A translated contribution should meet the following conditions:
a) The translated work should be of scientific or applied value.
b) It should be subjected to arbitration from one or more reviewers.
c) The translator and the reviser should both have an excellent command of the two languages, the source language and the target language.
d) The translator has to take the amendments of the  reviewer into account.
e) Getting the right of translation and publishing from the concerned authorities beforehand.

Article (36)

If an author gets a reward for the right of publishing, it means that he has relinquished his right over the book, which he authored, scrutinized or translated for a period of five years.

Article (37)

When the publications of the university are republished, the relevant persons will be treated as follows:
a) If the publications are conducted as part of the university-funded scientific projects or the university bought the right of publishing or carried out by full time staff members, then, the owners of these publications will not have any new financial rights in republication
b) Publishing owners, from whom the university bought the right of publishing, will get a financial reward in reprinting.

Article (38)

The university has the right of republishing for five years, if the contributor adds something significant to the edition, the Scientific Council can assess his reward.

Article (39)

After five years from the consent of the Scientific Council to publish a contribution, the right of republishing will go back to its owner or his inherent.

Article (40)

The Scientific Council can republish a contribution that has not been published before if it is scientifically valuable and a reward will be assessed for that.

Article (41)

Scientific Journal in the university will be issued by a decision made by the University Council and with a recommendation from the Scientific Council.

Article (42)

The University Council will appoint the editorial staff at the recommendation of the S.C. The academic position for the editorial staff should not be less than an Associate Professor.

Article (43)

The editorial staff is morally responsible of what is published in the magazine. They will also decide the number of printed issues.

Article (44)

Researches and articles will not be published in a university Journal unless two revieweres, one of them from outside the university, approve them.

Article (45)

The editor in chief will get an annual 5000 riyals while each of the editorial staff will get 3000 riyals.

Article (46)

A contributor who publishes a refereed research in the journal will get 1000 riyals.

Article (47)

A reward not exceeding 500 riyals will be given for reviewing a research submitted for publishing in the university Journal, research centers, conferences or scientific symposia held as the university.

Article (48)

The editorial staff submits an annual report to the Scientific Council about its activities.


Article (49)

In accordance with the rules of this institution, the Scientific Council, at the recommendation of the deanship of scientific research will set the detailed regulations and the internal rules to carry out and publish researches as well as rewards at the level of university, colleges, institutes or research centers.

Article (50)

This regulation is valid since the Council of Higher Education has approved it. It revokes all previous contradictory regulations.

Article (51)

The Higher Education Council has the right of interpreting this regulation.