الاسم الرباعي
Mohammad Abdulkawi Mahiub Abdalmoghny
محمد عبد القوي مهيوب عبد المغني

المسمى الوظيفي
Associate professor
استاذ مشارك

المرتبة العلمية
Associate Professor
استاذ مشارك
Faculty of Science & Arts 
كلية العلوم والاداب
Department of Mathematics
قسم الرياضيات

وصف عام

أستاذ مشارك في التحليل العددي. الاهتمامات البحثية في التحليل العددي وتطبيقاته في حلول المعادلات التكاملية. نشرت العديد من المقالات في مجلات علمية (ISI ، Scopus) متخصصة في الرياضيات، بعضها لها معامل تأثيرعالي. كذلك شاركت كمقدم في العديد من المؤتمرات العلمية المتخصصة في الرياضيات.
Associate Professor in Numerical Analysis. Research interests in numerical
analysis and its applications in solutions of integral equations. I have published many Articles in scientific journals (ISI, Scopus) specialized in mathematics, some of which have high impact factors. I also have participated as presenter in many scientific conferences specialized in mathematics

المؤهلات العلمية

Type of Certificate      Field of Study          University Duration
Doctor of Philosophy Applied Mathematics
(Numerical analysis)
University Putra Malaysia 2007- 2010
Master of Science Applied Mathematics
(Numerical analysis)
University Putra Malaysia 2005, 2007
Bachelor of  Science
Mathematics and physics                 Taiz University 1994, 1998


Academic Experiences
  • Associate professor (March 2020 – …)
            Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science & Arts,
            Najran University, Saudi Arabia
  • Assistant professor, (September 2011-- March 2020)
            Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science & Arts,
            Najran University, Saudi Arabia
  • Post-Doctoral Researcher, (14 July 2010-13 July 2011) 
  • Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,
University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.

Supervised Post Graduate Students
  • Monna Akran. Numerical solution of characteristic singular integral equation using differential transform method, Master in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science & Arts, Najran University, Saudi Arabia, 2014.
  • Shurooq Al-moayad. Approximate solution of Cauchy type singular integral equation of the first kind using differential transform method. Master in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science & Arts, Najran University, Saudi Arabia, 2018

Internal examiner
  • Fatemah M. AL-Abbas. On Regularized Multidimensional Sampling
Expansions. Master in Mathematics,
Department of Mathematics

 Faculty of Science & Arts, Najran University, Saudi Arabia, 11 April -2021.

Asma Mahdi Kojimi Al khomsan. Advanced Class of Optimal Higher Order Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations. Department of
Mathematics, Faculty of Science & Arts, Najran University, Saudi Arabia, 10 February -2022.

التخصصات والمهارات

المهام الوظيفية

:Job Tasks
  • Coordinator of the Scientific Research and Community Participation Committee, College of Science and Arts - Najran University (1435-34 AH)
  • General Coordinator of the Sixth Scientific Conference for Students of Higher Education, College of Science and Arts - Najran University
  • Member of the Control Committee at the College of Science and Arts - Najran University
  • Member of the Mathematics Department, College of Science and Arts, Najran University
  • Member of the Quality Committee in the Mathematics Department, College of Science and Arts - Najran University
  • Coordinator of the third standard (teaching and learning) in the Mathematics Department, College of Science and Arts - Najran University
  • Member of the Program Specification Committee in the Mathematics Department, College of Science and Arts - Najran University
Member of the Research Projects Committee in the Mathematics Department, College of Science and Arts, Najran University

الدورات التدربية

  • Quality standards in teaching and learning. Najran University, Saudi Arabia.  4-5 February, 2012.
  • Developing Research Abilities: Idea formulation and research management. Najran University, Saudi Arabia.  19 November, 2012.
  • Accreditation requirements of institutional and programmatic focus of teaching and learning. Najran University, Saudi Arabia.  24-25 February, 2013.
  • Assess and evaluate the learning processes. Najran University, Saudi Arabia.  22-23 April, 2013.
  • Assess and evaluate the learning processes. Najran University, Saudi Arabia.  8-9 April, 2014.
  • Build a comprehensive report of the courses and plans for improvement. Najran University, Saudi Arabia.  4 October, 2016.
  • Course specification and course reports. Najran University, Saudi Arabia.  16-17 February, 2016.
  • Performance Indicators: A tool for measuring and evaluating organizational and program performance. Najran University, Saudi Arabia.  31 October-01 November, 2017.
  • Search in general information resources (Springer). Saudi Digital Library. 1 November 2017.
  • Tips to avoid mistakes in writing a research article. Saudi Digital Library. 10 December 2017.
  • Academic scientific research in the Arab world: problems and solutions. Najran University, Saudi Arabia.. 17 March 2021.
  • Research skills in the digital environment - the Saudi Digital Library as a model. Najran University, Saudi Arabia. 3 March 2021.
  • E-Learning System - Advanced Level. Najran University, Saudi Arabia. 3 February 2021.

الأبحاث العلمية


  • M. Abdulkawi. Solution of Cauchy type Singular Integral Equations of the first kind by using Differential Transform Method, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 39, Issue 8, 15 April 2015, 2107-2118.
  • Z. K. Eshkuvatov, N. M. A. Nik Long, M. Abdulkawi. Approximate solution of singular integral equations of the first kind with Cauchy kernel. Appl. Math. Lett. 22 (2009), 651-657.
  • Z.K. Eshkuvatov, N.M.A. Nik Long, M. Abdulkawi. Quadrature formula for approximating the singular integral of Cauchy type with unbounded weight function on the edges. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 233 (2009), 334-345.
  • Z.K. Eshkuvatov, N.M.A. Nik Long, M. Abdulkawi. Numerical evaluation for Cauchy type singular integrals on the interval. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 233 (2010) 1995-2001.
  • M. Abdulkawi, Z. K. Eshkuvatov, N. M. A. Nik Long. A Note on the Numerical Solution of Singular Integral Equations of Cauchy type. IJAMCS, 5: 2 (2009), 90-93.
  • M. Abdulkawi, Z. K. Eshkuvatov, N. M. A. Nik Long.  A numerical treatment for solving Cauchy type singular integral equation. FJAM. Volume 35, Issue 2 (May 2009), 171-180.
  • N. M. A. Nik Long, Z. K. Eshkuvatov, M. Abdulkawi.  Semi-Bounded solutions of singular integral equations of Cauchy type. Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol. 4, 2009, no. 22, 1059 – 1066.
  • M. Abdulkawi, Z. K. Eshkuvatov, N. M. A. Nik Long. A method for the numerical solution of Cauchy singular integral equations. IJAM, Volume 22 No.2 (2009), 287-297.
  • M. Abdulkawi, Z. K. Eshkuvatov, N. M. A. Nik Long. On the Semi-bounded Solution of Cauchy Type Singular Integral Equations of the First Kind. European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 2, No. 3, 2009, 462-72.
  • M. Abdulkawi. A Numerical Solution of Singular Integral Equations. International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 10, Number W11 (Winter 2011), 69-76
  • Z.K. Eshkuvatov, N.M.A. Nik Long, M. Abdulkawi. Approximating singular integral of Cauchy type with unbounded weight function on the edges. J. King Saud Univ, Science, Vol. 21 (Special Issue), pp. 49-56, Riyadh (2009/1430H).
  • M. Abdulkawi, Z.K. Eshkuvatov, N.M.A. Nik Long. A Note on the Numerical Solution for Fredholm Integral Equation of the second kind with Cauchy kernel. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 7 (1): 68-72, 2011.
  • M. Abdulkawi, Z.K. Eshkuvatov, N.M.A. Nik Long. Half-bounded Numerical Solution of Singular Integral Equations with Cauchy Kernel. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 7 (1): 81-85, 2011.
  • Mohammad Abdulkawi Mahiub, N.M.A. Nik Long, Z.K. Eshkuvatov.  Numerical Solution of Hypersingular Integral Equations. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume  69  No. 3 (2011), 265-274.
  • Al-shameri, W. F. H. and Mahiub, M. A. Some Dynamical Properties of the Family of Tent Maps. Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, Vol. 7  No. 29 (2013), 1433 - 1449.
  • M Abdulkawi and M. Y. H Akran . Unbounded solution of characteristic singular integral equation using differential transform method. Journal of Advances in Mathematics 9 (7), 2869-2881, 2014.
  • Mohammed Abdulkawi Mahiub and Wadia Faid Hassan Al-shameri . Numerical solution of Hyper singular integral equations by using differential transform method. European journal of Scientific Research, Volume 132 No 1, May, 2015, 83-89.
  • Mohammed Abdulkawi Mahiub. APPLICATION OF DIFFERENTIAL TRANSFORM METHOD TO THE HYPER-SINGULAR INTEGRAL EQUATIONS. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 112 No. 2  2017,  263-275.
  • M Abdulkawi and  S. A. H. Moayad. Bounded Solution of Cauchy Type Singular Integral Equation of The First Kind Using Differential Transform Method. Journal of Advances in Mathematics 14 (1), 7580-7595, 2018.
  • Fateh Allahabi and Mohammad Abdulkawi Mahiub. Problem of Pursuit Game with Various Constraints on Controls of Players. International Journal of Partial Differential Equations and Applications.  Vol. 6, No. 1, 13-17, 2019.

  • Eshkuvatov Z.K., Nik Mohd Asri Nik Long, M. Abdulkawi. Approximating singular integral equations with bounded solution on the edges using quadrature formula. Proceedings of the National Conference on Mathematics and Statistics. UPM (2006), pp 221-233
  • M. Abdulkawi, Z.K. Eshkuvatov, N.M.A. Nik Long. Numerical Treatment for the Solution of Cauchy type Singular Integral Equations. Proceedings of international conference on research and education in mathematics (ICREM3). UPM (2007), pp 255-266.
  • M. Abdulkawi, Eshkuvatov Z. K., N. M. A Nik Long. Bounded and Unbounded Approximate Solutions of Cauchy Type Singular Integral Equations of the First Kind. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advancement in Science and Technology (iCAST). IIUM (2008), pp.144-146.
  • M. Abdulkawi, Eshkuvatov Z. K., N. M. A Nik Long. Numerical Solutions of Semi-bounded Singular Integral Equations of the First Kind with Cauchy’s Kernel. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Science and Technology: Applications in Industry and Education (ICSTIE). UiTM, 2008, pp. 107.
  • M. Abdulkawi, Eshkuvatov Z. K., N. M. A Nik Long. Approximate Solution of Cauchy Type Singular Integral Equation. 5th Asian Mathematical Conference Proceedings (Volume II), June 2009, pp 99 - 105. ISBN: 978-967-5417-54-2.
  • Mohammad Abdulkawi Mahiub, Zainidin K. Eshkuvatov, Nik Mohd Asri Nik Long. Remarks on the numerical solution of singular integral equations. Proceedings of the fundamental science congress. Faculty of Science, University Putra Malaysia (2009), 407-408.
  • The 4th International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics (ICREM4), 21-23 October 2009.( Participant)
  • Z. K. Eshkuvatov, M. Abdulkawi, and N. M. A. Nik Long. Numerical solution of FIE of the second kind with Cauchy kernel. AIP Conference Proceedings.
Citation: AIP Conf. Proc. 1450, 230 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.4724145.
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4724145.
  • M. Abdulkawi­ and M. Y. H. Alyami. BOUNDED SOLUTION OF CHARACTERISTIC SINGULAR INTEGRAL EQUATION USING DIFFERENTIAL TRANSFORM METHOD. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics (ICREM7), 25-27 August, 2015. DOI:10.1109/ICREM.2015.7357024

  • Zainidin K. Eshkuvatov, Nik Mohd Asri Nik Long and Mohammad Abdulkawi Mahiub. Approximate solutions of singular integral equations of the first kind. PRPi 09, 28-30 July 2009. University Putra Malaysia. (Gold medal)
  • Zainidin K. Eshkuvatov, Nik Mohd Asri Nik Long and Mohammad Abdulkawi Mahiub. Numerical solution of Cauchy type singular integral equations of the first kind. PRPi 09, 28-30 July 2009. University Putra Malaysia. (Gold medal)
  • Zainidin K. Eshkuvatov, Nik Mohd Asri Nik Long and Mohammad Abdulkawi. Quadrature formula for approximating the singular integral of Cauchy type with unbounded weight function on the edges. PRPi 10, 20-22 July 2010. University Putra Malaysia. (Gold medal)
  • Zainidin K. Eshkuvatov, Nik Mohd Asri Nik Long and Mohammad Abdulkawi. Numerical evaluation for Cauchy type singular integrals on the interval. PRPi 10, 20-22 July 2010. University Putra Malaysia. (Silver medal)

المقررات التدرسية

Teaching Subjects for Undergraduate:

  • Calculus I.
  • Calculus II.
  • Calculus III
  • Analytic Geometry
  • Advance Calculus.
  • Algebra and Analytic geometry
  • Real Analysis1
  • Group theory
  • Abstract Algebra 1
  • Abstract Algebra 2
  • Introduction of Differential Equations
  • Differential Equations1.
  • Numerical Analysis 1.
  • Numerical Analysis 2.
  • Statistics and Probability.
  • Probability theory
  • Linear Algebra
  • Matrix Algebra
  • Numerical Method
  • Introduction to Programming
  • Complex Analysis
  • Mathematical Software
  • Mathematical Methods
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • :Teaching Subjects for Post Graduate
  • Numerical Analysis and Computer programming
  • Analysis

الساعات المكتبية

الفصل الدراسي الثاني من العام الجامعي 1444

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